+4981217607887 hallo@panomity.de
Our Advent calendar starts

Our Advent calendar starts

Panomity GmbH launches Advent calendar with exclusive vouchers and prizes Look forward to exclusive coupons and great prizes at our Advent calendar! Free domain registrations, hosting, security tools, a dark web check and a session with a real hacker are waiting for...
Spot weak passwords with myh4ckz.com

Spot weak passwords with myh4ckz.com

Startseite » Archive für Panomity GmbH Introducing myh4ckz.com A simple and useful tool to spot weak passwords. Turning helplessness into power I still remember the feeling of helplessness I felt when my personal information and money was stolen in a data breach. It...
Google Street View in Friedberg, Hesse

Google Street View in Friedberg, Hesse

Since the founder of Panomity GmbH was born in Friedberg, Hesse, and went to school there, we are also closely connected with the city of Friedberg. Also connected to the city is Elvis Presley, who spent some time in Friedberg, Hesse. Friedberg was a welcome change...

WordPress database error: [Table 'pamide_wp1.wp_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(id_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies) AS ttnum FROM wp_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies

WordPress database error: [Table 'pamide_wp1.wp_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies' doesn't exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies INNER JOIN wp_gdpr_cookie_scan_categories ON wp_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies.category_id = wp_gdpr_cookie_scan_categories.id_gdpr_cookie_category ORDER BY id_wpl_cookie_scan_cookies ASC LIMIT 0,100