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Panomity WP Turbo

Improve your WordPress performance with our Panomity WP Turbo WordPress Cache – unlimited cache, automatic updates and RAM clustering options for maximum performance and availability.


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Increase the performance of your website with our Panomity WP Turbo WordPress Cache

Panomity WP TurboPanomity WP Turbo is a powerful WordPress cache extension that offers a variety of benefits for our WordPress customers. With a potentially unlimited cache duration, the WordPress cache stores the website for a longer period of time, drastically reducing load times.

Another advantage of WordPress Cache is that it stores the entire website and allows customizable cache expiration times. This ensures that the latest changes are displayed immediately and significantly improves the user experience.

Panomity WP Turbo also provides detailed cache performance metrics to measure WordPress cache performance. With automatic plugin updates, customers of our managed WordPress hosting will always stay up-to-date with the latest features and security updates.

Another great feature of WordPress Cache is that it stores pages in RAM, resulting in lightning fast loading times. The cache is also pre-populated for instant loading on the first visit, which further improves the user experience. Optionally, the WordPress cache can be extended by adding RAM clustering.

Adding RAM clustering to the WordPress cache not only optimizes the loading time of the website, but also improves its scalability. An important component to increase the scalability of a cache system is clustering, which allows the cache to be spread across multiple servers to distribute the load among them. RAM clustering increases the capacity of the WordPress cache and ensures that it remains stable even in the event of a sharp increase in traffic. Clustering makes it possible to update the cache in real time and respond quickly to new requests.

In addition, high availability of the cache system is ensured by clustering in multiple replication groups on different servers, which ensures uninterrupted availability of the cache system.

A fast and efficient website cache is essential to ensure a good user experience and reduce the energy consumption of your website. With Panomity WP Turbo WordPress cache extension, you can be sure that your website will load quickly and reliably while minimizing energy consumption. Invest in WordPress Cache now and optimize your website’s performance for an improved user experience.

Necessary web server customizations

Panomity WP Turbo and Apache Web Server
Since this advanced WordPress cache is only available as part of our managed WordPress hosting offer, you don’t have to worry about the technical configuration. While it is possible to run the cache on with Apache, we advise using NginX.
Panomity WP Turbo and NginX Server
Our WordPress cache extension is optimally designed for use with nginX. We do the configuration for our clients as part of our managed WordPress hosting.